Take charge of health and productivity with our business air quality solutions.

Indoor air quality is the #1 environmental health risk (WHO). We have tested air quality at offices, hotels, schools, coworking spaces, salons, and makerspaces around the world (check out our readings below), and toxic gas levels have always been above healthy limits.

The cost is poor health, more sick days, less creativity, and less productivity. Greenairy builds smart plant towers that are proven to remove toxic gases better than conventional air purifiers, using IoT and phytoremediation.

Feeling lethargic or having sinus in the office? Reach out to us for an air quality testing today.

Dear Team Greenairy,
I am [Name], reaching out on behalf of [Organization]. We are keen to explore your [indoor plant solutions/indoor air quality testing solution] for our [office/hotel/gym/salon/makerspace/etc], can we [get on a call/meet you at our office] [Time]?

Email us for a demo at hello@greenairy.sg

What kind of pollution do you face?

Proven to purify 60% better than air purifiers

Greenairy Fresh removes toxic VOC gases (formaldehyde, benzene, toluene) 60% better than conventional air purifiers. VOC exposure causes irritation, headache, fatigue, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and more.
Based on 4 years of phytoremediation research.

Proven to improve mood

Employees grew attached to our tower. Biophilic design with plants is proven to boost productivity, attention, mood, and creativity.

Offering places with plants and clean air directly boosts profits.

Maintenance is a breeze

How much space do the towers require?

Each tower is a sleek, space-smart design that requires no more than 60cm x 30cm.

Is it hard to maintain the plants?

Our smart tech takes care of the plants. You just need to refill the water once a week.

Our air quality tests around the world…

© Greenairy Inc. 2023